The Secrets to Maintaining Your Productivity When Anxiety Strikes

Many people view anxiety as the enemy of productivity. Often, anxiety can paralyze you and drag you into a spiral of insecurity and fear, preventing you from getting anything done. However, with the right mindset and steps, you can still have a productive day even when your mental health isn’t at its best.

  1. Done is better than perfect

Work-related anxiety can lead to procrastination. That anxiety usually stems from the fact that people are afraid of not doing a task perfectly or not meeting their own expectations of their work. People who grew up gifted or with academic accolades are most often victims of work-related anxiety in their adulthood because they are constantly pushing themselves and aiming for a higher standard. However, such an attitude is unhealthy and only aggravates mental health issues. Instead of trying to do things perfectly, just get things done. Your colleagues and supervisors will much prefer receiving work that’s completed rather than receiving nothing at all because you were too caught up with keeping things perfect that you missed the deadline.

  1. Clean up your act

Anxiety tends to worsen when your work environment is messy. A messy workplace creates the illusion that you have more work than you actually do, which adds to the stress of the job and might keep you from doing your work properly. To mitigate this, adopt more organized habits like discarding documents you no longer need and using tools like filing cabinets, racks, shelves, binders, desk dividers, and so on. If you’ve accumulated such a mess that you think you can’t deal with it alone, you can hire the services of Evergreen Junk Removal.

  1. Let go of things you can’t control

Often, anxious people worry too much about things they can’t control or change. Recognize that by worrying about these things, you’re only giving yourself unnecessary stress. Meanwhile, if your anxiety is geared towards situations you can take immediate and concrete action on, then take the necessary steps to deal with that situation. For example, if you’re worried about not being prepared enough for an upcoming presentation, practice your presentation and predict possible questions your client or boss may ask you.

  1. Seek professional help

Besides prescribing you the proper medication to manage your anxiety, psychiatrists can also give you sound and credible advice on how you can keep it from hindering your daily life. It can be as simple as breathing exercises or self-regulation tools like fidget toys or stress balls. A recent event in your life could have also triggered your anxiety, and having someone talk you through your emotions can help ease your anxiety.

Remember that you shouldn’t always pressure yourself to be productive. Maybe your anxiety is being triggered by overworking or stress. Remember that your body and mind also need a break every once in a while, and you’ll only make things worse by ignoring the natural call for rest. Don’t hesitate to ask for a short vacation so you can refresh and re-center yourself.


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