How to choose Dota 2 MMR boost?

We realize that not everyone has the time or energy to work their way through the Dota 2 ranks. Not to forget the nasty trolls that afflict Dota 2’s ranked ladder. As a result, many players resort to Dota 2 MMR boost. we’re here to assist you on how to choose Dota 2 boosting service

Who will be playing from your account?

You need to know the qualifications of the ‘professional’ who will be boosting your account. Some Dota 2 MMR boost players do not play manually. They use illegal methods to boost your ranking. They may use bots or hack the software to get into servers with fewer players, thus increasing their chances of winning.

You need to look for boosters who are all Divine or Divine Elite rated. The site should have a thorough vetting procedure to ensure that their Dota 2 MMR boost team is made up of the best boosters with the finest work ethic.

Is it safe?

Safe, secure, and protected boosting should be ensured by the site you are purchasing Dota 2 MMR boost. They should have a strict protocol for their boosters to follow.Verify the company and contact their past clients to get a better understanding of their services.

Since your account is secured by the Steam guard/authenticator, they can’t transfer goods from your inventory or conduct transactions without access to your mobile phone. So do not worry about your Steam.

How do they handle refunds?

The site must have a refund and cancellation policy if they did an incomplete job or you didn’t like their services. There must be 100% transparency. You should be able to contact your Dota 2 MMR boost at any time

Does it have hero preferences?

We recommend you purchase Dota 2 MMR boost from a site that gives you the option of ‘ Hero Preferences’. You can instruct the boosters which hero to play with from your account. This will help in avoiding suspicion from your friends. It will also give your statistics a nice boost.

Is there a streaming option?

You should sign up for a Dota 2 MMR boost which allows you to watch the pros boost your rankings. This will help you learn and improve your gaming skills. Interact with the pros and learn their strategies. Practice on your own and maybe you will soon need any boosting!


Last but not the least, anonymity. As you know MMR boosting is not allowed on Dota 2 so you have to be sleek with it. Utilizing settings like appearing offline so no one will know you are playing. The boosters take care of your privacy and do not interact with people on your friend’s list. The play-through should be done through a VPN so it may not be detected or tracked by anyone.

Read through their privacy policy. Your personal information should be saved on the servers in an encrypted format and only be shared with the single booster who will be allocated to your account.

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